Customer Info

The Customer Info screen contains a complete history of that Customer's dealings with your company. At the top of the screen, you'll have easy access to vital stats such as the Customer's address, contact info, and their credit limit for making purchases. If any notes about the Customer exist, you'll see the first few lines of these notes in this section as well. Just click the Edit Notes... button to view the notes in their entirety.

Of course, if you see any information about the Customer that needs to change, click the Edit Customer... button to pull up the New Customer dialog with the Customer's info already filled in. Just make any needed adjustments, and then save it off.

Below this info, you have a series of three tabs. Each tab has a set of commands as well as a pertinent list of information available to you:

You can double-click any listing to bring up its corresponding transaction. Let us quickly go over the information and commands that can be found on each tab: