Toolbars are movable. You can move them left or right or to another row. Position your cursor over the toolbar handle, click with the left mouse button and drag the toolbar.
This is an enlarged view of the toolbar handle which is on the left end of all of the toolbars.
Most of the buttons have tooltips. This means when you let the mouse cursor hover over the button for a few seconds, a small yellow box will appear that displays the name of that button.
In each of the following toolbars, the function of each button will be described from left to right.
Bring to Front. Reorders the selected field to be in front of all others.
Send to Back. Reorders the selected field to be behind all others.
Align Lefts. Select multiple fields, click this button, all selected fields will have the same value (x coordinate) for the left position.
Align Centers. Similar to the last button, but this one centers all the selected fields.
Align Rights. Similar to button 3, but this time all selected fields will have the right edge in the same position.
Align Tops. Moves the selected controls so the top of each control has the same y coordinate.
Align Middles. Where button 4 centered the selected fields horizontally, this button centers them vertically.
Align Bottoms. Moves the bottom of each selected control to the same line.
Align to Grid. On the report design surface, you will see a series of squares with rows and columns of dots within them, created a grid pattern. This button causes the controls to line up with that grid.
Size to Same Width. Makes all selected controls the same width.
Size to Same Height. Makes all selected controls the same height.
Size to Same Width and Height. Makes all selected controls the same size.
Lock controls. Freezes the controls so that you don't accidentally move them.
Style. Sets a predetermined paragraph style for a control.
Font. Allows you to select a font from the drop-down list.
Size. Lets you choose a font size from the drop-down list.
Font Settings. Opens a special Font dialog that lets you choose more advanced formatting options.
Left Align. Aligns all text content in the field to the left.
Center Align. Centers the text content in the field.
Right Align. Align the field's text content to the right.
Back Color. Lets you choose a background color.
Text Color. Brings up a dialog for choosing a text color
Borders. Allows you to choose the style and color of the field's border.
Undo. Undoes the last change you made.
Cut. Removes the current selection, placing it in the clipboard for later pasting.
Copy. Copies the current selection to the clipboard.
Paste. Pastes the clipboard contents into the current report.
Delete. Permanently removes the currently selected object.
Load Original Layout. Reloads the report. This is helpful getting rid of any unwanted (and unsaved) changes.
View Grid. This toggle button allows to display or hide the report's grid.
View Property List. Opens the Property List, which displays all properties of the currently selected object.
Fields List. Displays the Fields List, allowing you to drag available data fields onto your report.
Explorer Window. Shows the Explorer Window, a special bird's eye listing of all the data fields in each report section.
The latter four buttons can all be toggled on and off with multiple clicks.
Select. Restores the default mouse cursor after using one of the other Toolbox tools.
Label. Lets you click and drag to add a Label to the current report.
Field. Allows you to add a data field to a report.
Checkbox. Gives you the ability to add a checkbox control to a report.
Image. Gives you the option of adding an image (such as company logo) to your report.
Line. Lets you add a line to a report (handy for visually separating report elements).
Shape. Allows you to add a shape (square, circle or rectangle) to a report.
Rich Text. Lets you insert a rich text box (similar to a Microsoft Word document) into a report.
Frame. Gives you the ability to insert a frame, which is useful for grouping other controls.
Page break. Allow you to insert a page break, and any material below it will appear on the next page.
Bar code. Control used to print 3-of-9 bar codes on labels.
After using the Toolbox toolbar to draw your various report elements on the screen, you can alter their characteristics in the Properties List.
Report Design. Corresponds to clicking on the Modify Design tab but since this toolbar is only visible in design mode it is not used
Preview Report. Preview mode corresponds to clicking on the Preview tab
Filter Data. Corresponds to clicking on the Filters tab
Sort Data. Corresponds to clicking on the Sort By tab
Reports List. Shows the Reports (and Labels) List
Status Bar. Shows the Status bar at the bottom of the form
Save. Saves the change you have made to the report
Copy Report. Makes a copy the current report
Delete Report. Deletes the entire report!
Is Default Report. Sets the Default property of the report. If you have made one or more copies of one of the reports, All Orders has to know which one you would like to be used when the report is activated from a menu or a list form. Click the report you want to be the default in the Reports List and then click this toolbar button. The report you chose on the Reports tab will turn blue and all of the others for that report will be black. Reports that are original to All Orders will always be listed in bold.
Is Active Report. This toggle button allows you to specify whether the currently selected report on the Reports tab is active. You may be working on a report and do not wish to use it until you are finished with your changes. Note that you can actually filter based on whether or not a report is active. There are three radio buttons on the Reports tab just about the Report list, allowing you to select only Active reports, only Inactive Reports or All Reports.
Printer Setup. Allows you to choose a printer for your report.
Report Properties. Allows you to set Report page size, Portrait, Landscape etc.
Export Report. Lets you save off your report in any of the following formats: RTF (rich text), PDF (Adobe Acrobot), Excel, and HTML. All formatting is preserved as closely as possible.
Export Data. This option is similar to #1, except that it lets you trash the report formatting and export only the raw data, for example for further crunching in a spreadsheet or database. You can export data to either an Microsoft Access table or a worksheet in Microsoft Excel.
Print. Prints your report. You are first provided with a dialog that allows you to set any desired printing options.
Ruler. Toggles the vertical and horizontal ruler bars that border your report.
Search Field. A text box that will let you enter a string of text to search on within your report.
Find. This button executes the search for whatever you typed in the Search Field.
Copy. Copies the entire current report page into the clipboard.
Single Page. Shows only one page of the report at a time.
Multi Page. Shows multiple pages (as many as six) of the report at once. To drill down on any single page, just double-click the desired page.
Zoom In. Magnifies the current page by an incremental amount.
Zoom Level. The drop-down list field allows you to choose the level of zoom from a pre-established list.
Zoom Out. Reduces magnification of the current page by an incremental amount.
First Page. Moves to the first page of the report.
Previous Page. Moves to preceding page of the report.
Page Field. Shows the current page number as well as the total number of pages in the report. To instantly move to a particular page, you can also edit the first value to reflect the desired page, and then press Tab.
Next Page. Moves to the next page of the report.
Last Page. Moves to last page of the report.
Back. Goes back by one screen in your history.
Forward. Moves forward by one screen in your history (you'll obviously need to have clicked the Back button first).