All Orders gives the users the ability to customize their reports without having to export the data to Access or another destination. The original reports cannot be modified. However, you can make as many copies of the reports as you wish and customize them to fit your business. For example, you may add a corporate logo to a report to personalize the report to your company. Fonts can be changed to any that you have on you computer. You can also play with font colors, bold, italics, and underline at your discretion. From the list of fields available for a selected report, you can add more fields or remove existing ones. Before modifying a report, however, you have to make a copy of the report you wish to customize.
Open a report in the Modify Design tab, as described in the Overview.
Now click the Copy Report button (it is framed in red in the screen shot below).
Or you could use the View menu. Copy Report is the 8th item in the list. Either way, you will be prompted for the name of your report copy. When All Orders finishes copying, you will see the name you gave to the report in the Reports grid. Click on the new name to load that copy onto the Modify Design tab.